There is a new webpage at the Shigo Voice Studio: Curated VOICETALK.

What is curated VOICETALK?

A collection of VOICETALK blogs from 2009-2022 rich with information and singing instruction.

If you’ve read any books from the 20th century, you will have encountered a disclaimer that states: "You can’t learn to sing from a book.”

It’s true.

It’s also true that to know something, you have to know something.

Autodidact Delight.

As the founding editor of VOICEPRINTS—The Official Journal of the New York Singing Teachers Association—I aimed for its articles to be helpful. By this, I mean they needed to contain information that the reader could use in their practice or the voice studio. I blog with this intent. The download page exists for the same reason.

All this to say…

If you’ve been around the block more than once, you’ll find interesting and helpful information within Curated VOICETALK. Otherwise, consider starting your journey by submitting a New Client Application.

Curated VOICETALK will be there when you are ready.

Daniel Shigo

Daniel’s voice studio is rooted in the teachings of Francesco Lamperti and Manuel Garcia. Contact Daniel for voice lessons in New York City and online lessons in the art of bel canto.

Shigo Voice Studio

How Garcia Helped Singers


The Heart of the Garcia Method